1. 整体感觉文字变得更加简洁和清晰,通篇都对语言进行了更加准确的限定,例如:下面这段文字加入了限定词(红色)
“(I)reasonable predictions, supported by economically and statistically valid forecasting tools, concerning the amount of investment that will be pooled, the kinds ofnewcommercial enterprises that will receive such investments,verifiabledetails of the jobs that will be created directly or indirectly as a result of such investments, and other positive economic effects such investments will have; and
2. 在议案比较靠前的部分,增加了这样一段有关“合规”的文字,明确提出美国商务部经济分析局是判断经济模型的官方机构。也就是说,不论现在经济学家使用什么模型计算就业,都需要美国商务部经济分析局确认,才算数。
3. 在就业创造部分,有两点非常刺眼:这两句话合在一起的意思是,非EB-5资金占比再高(超过30%),最多只能将总就业的30%计算给EB-5资金用作创造就业。
“(aa)CREDIT FOR JOB CREATION.—Alien entrepreneurs may accrue credit for job creation based on capital investment provided by non-alien entrepreneurs only for the percentage of total jobs created that is equal to the percentage of total capital investment provided by such non-alien entrepreneurs in the commercial enterprise.
“(bb)LIMITATION.—The percentage of jobs created for which alien entrepreneurs may accrue credit under item (aa) based on such non-alien entrepreneur capital contribution may not exceed 30 percent of all jobs created even if such contribution exceeds 30 percent.
4. 下面这一句否定了” tenant-occupancy methodology” ,新租户的就业不能再算入就业创造。
“(III)INELIGIBLE JOBS.—In determining compliance with the job creation requirements under subparagraph (A)(ii), the Secretary may not include jobs estimated to be created under a tenant-occupancy methodology.
5. 下面这一句,明确指出,需要将基于成交的佣金相关信息披露出来,包括接收人的姓名、联系方式、服务内容等。
“(cc)the name and contact information of any person that has received or the commercial enterprise knows will receive any fees or transaction-based compensation in connection with the investment, and a description of the services performed or to be performed by such person which entitle them to the fees or transaction-based compensation;
6. 增加了一段关于加急处理。但是请注意,这个不是给EB-5申请人的加急处理,是针对项目申请长时间等待,可以提前审批其中的商业计划书。
“(v)PREMIUM PROCESSING OPTION.—The Secretary shall establish a process for premium processing of business plan applications under this subparagraph related to investment in a regional center commercial enterprise, including making available the expeditious execution of a site visit described in clause (iv), which may include an opportunity for the applicant to address and cure any deficiencies identified by the Secretary in the applicant’s business plan, investment documents, or statement regarding job creation prior to a final determination. The Secretary shall impose a fee for the use of the process described in this clause sufficient to recover the costs of its administration.
7. 增加了一段关于区域中心善意自律。
(VII)GOOD FAITH RELIANCE — In providing the certifications required under subsections (I) - (III) above the regional center shall be fully protected in relying in good faith upon the records of the new commercial enterprise or job-creating entity and upon such information, opinions, reports or statements presented to the regional center by any of the regional center officers or employees, or by any other person as to matters the regional center reasonably believes are within such other person’s professional or expert competition and who has been selected with reasonable care by or on behalf of the regional center, and reasonably taking into account any conflicts of interest of such other person.
8. 简化了Site visit的文字。
“(iv)SITE VISITS.—The Secretary shall perform site visits to regional centers and shall perform at least 1 site visit to each new commercial enterprise or affiliated job-creating entity in accordance with section 216A(c)(1)(C).
10. 对投资人利好的消息是下面这一条。这两句合在一起是说,如果投资人I-526已经通过,等待进入美国至少等了24个月,那么他就可以在没有进入美国之前直接申请I-829。这样他进入美国的时候就有可能已经是永久绿卡了。
“(A)90-DAY PERIOD BEFORE SECOND ANNIVERSARY.—(i) Except as provided in clause (ii) and subparagraph (B), the petition under subsection (c)(1)(A) shall be filed during the 90-day period before the second anniversary of the alien entrepreneur’s lawful admission for permanent residence.
“(ii)If the alien entrepreneur has sustained the actions described in paragraph (1)(A)(i) for at least a 24-month period before admission, the alien entrepreneur may file the petition under subsection (c)(1)(A)any time after such period and before admission for permanent residence.”;
“(aa) 2,000 shall be reserved for immigrants who invest the amount of capital specified under paragraph (C)(i)(I);
“(bb) 2,000 shall be reserved for immigrants who invest in rural areas; and
“(cc) 2,000 shall be reserved for immigrants who invest in priority urban investment areas; and
“(i)IN GENERAL.—Not fewer than 5,000 of the visas made available under this paragraph in each fiscal year shall be reserved for qualified immigrants who invest in a new commercial enterprise described in subparagraph (A), which—
“(I)is investing such capital in a targeted employment area; and
“(II)will create employment in such targeted employment area.
12. 新旧都有这一点: TEA的资格保持2年,2年后如果资格取消, 投资人不需要追加投资。
An entrepreneur who has made the required amount of investment in such a targeted employment area during its period of designation shall not be required to increase the amount of investment based upon expiration of the designation.”.
13. 最低投资额在新的版本中变成了80/120的格局,即普通地区120万美金,TEA是80万美金。旧的版本是80/100的格局。
“(i)MINIMUM INVESTMENT AMOUNTS.—Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, the amount of capital required under subparagraph (A) shall be $1,200,000. In the case of an investment in a targeted employment area, the amount of capital required under subparagraph (A) shall be $800,000.
“(iii)MINIMUM INVESTMENT AMOUNT IN A TARGETED EMPLOYMENT AREA.—The minimum investment amount in a targeted employment area shall be not less than 1⁄2 and not more than 3⁄4 of the investment in a non-targeted area of employment.”;
14. 旧版本里面的最低投资额从2021年1月1日开始,每五年调整一次。新的版本里面提前到了2020年1月1日。